The isohyet due to a stom in a catment wave drow and the area of the catment bounded in isohyrts
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Rainfall measurement methods
1. Hydrology
2. Pranamesh Chakraborty Measurement of Rainfall
3. Pranamesh Chakraborty Introduction Rainfall is expressed in terms of the depth to which rainwater would stand on an area, if all the rain were collected on it. Thus, 1cm of rainfall over a catchment area of 1km2 represents a volume of water equal to 104m3.
4. Pranamesh Chakraborty Raingauge The precipitation is collected and measured in a Raingauge. In India, the raingauges commonly used are Symon’s gauge.
5. Pranamesh Chakraborty Average Rainfall over an area Arithmetic Mean Method Thiessen Polygon Method Isohytel Method To convert the point rainfall values measured by various raingauge stations into an average value over a catchment, following methods are used.
6. Pranamesh Chakraborty Arithmetic Mean Method
7. Pranamesh Chakraborty If there are small variations in the rainfall values measured by the stations, this method can be used. If P1, P2, . . . , Pn are the rainfall values obtained from n raingauge stations within a catchment, then the average precipitation is given by 1 2 1..... n i n i P P P P P n n
8. Pranamesh Chakraborty Thiessen Polygon Method
9. Pranamesh Chakraborty In this method, the rainfall recorded at each station is given a weightage on the basis of an area closest to that station. 1. Draw the catchment area to a scale and mark the raingauge stations on it.
10. Pranamesh Chakraborty 2. Join each station by straight line to create a triangulated network.
11. Pranamesh Chakraborty 3. Draw perpendicular bisectors on each sides of each triangles. Extend the bisectors to meet the other bisectors and the catchment boundary.
12. Pranamesh Chakraborty 4. The polygons formed by the perpendicular bisectors (and part of catchment boundary) are the influence areas of each stations.
13. Pranamesh Chakraborty If there are n number of raingauge stations in and around the catchment and if A1,A2, . . . ,An are the respective influence areas of Thiessen Polygon, then the average rainfall is given by
14. Pranamesh Chakraborty Example Four raingauge stations are located in a catchment area, approximated by a circle of radius 100km, as shown in the figure. Annual precipitation recorded by these stations in the year 2003 are: A(85cm), B(130cm), C(105cm), D(98cm). Draw the Thiessen polygon and calculate the average annual precipitation on the catchment in 2003.
15. Pranamesh Chakraborty Solution
16. Pranamesh Chakraborty Isohytel Method
17. Pranamesh Chakraborty Introduction Isohyet: An isohyet is a line joining points of equal rainfall magnitude. If P1, P2, . . . , Pn are the values of isohyets and if A1,A2, . . . ,An−1 are the inter-isohyet area respectively, then the mean precipitation over the catchment is given by
18. Pranamesh Chakraborty
19. Pranamesh Chakraborty Example The isohyets due to a storm in a catchment were drawn and the area of the catchment bounded by isohyets were tabulated as below. Estimate the mean precipitation due to the storm.
20. Pranamesh Chakraborty Solution
21. Pranamesh Chakraborty Thank You