The joy of our country independence from british rule came mixed with the pain and violence of partion.
The year 1947 holds tremendous importance in the lives of the people of the subcontinent. It marked a shift in ideologies of. The repercussions of the partition spread far and wide across this massive region, with reactions of the populace ranging from indignation and fury to joy and happiness.
This monumental event has been marked in history with bloodstains of a million men, women and children who lost their lives in the partition of India.
Sixty-five years later, families on both sides of the border are still suffering; though not because of persecution or lack of representation or due to the status of a minority, but primarily due to the volatile nature of relations between the governments of India and Pakistan.
Whilst economists and businessmen argue that recent years have seen an increase in trade between the two nations, the superficial cordiality established between the two countries, which have gone to war thrice since these 65 years, has not lessened the worries of travellers across the border between India and Pakistan.