English, asked by jainshreyansh080, 7 months ago

The key to the success of the typical advertising plan is that it contributes to
ठराविक जाहिरात योजनेच्या यशाची गुरुकिल्ली ही चे योगदान आहे.
interoperability/ इंटरऑपरेबिलिटी
complexity/ जटिलता
profitability/ नफा
flexibility/ लवचिकता​


Answered by mohammedameenuddin19


people who get excited about seeing our ad in print. You wait in anticipation for the day when your words show up on page 53 of a magazine, or the classified section of your local newspaper. We stare, and marvel at our creation. The phone lines will be blowing up with customers begging us for our latest product, or signing up for our revolutionary service offering!

Without even setting eyes on your advertisement, I can guarantee that you missed one of the five essential steps when attempting to design an ad that converts. That’s why I am going to teach you how to draw customers in like moths to a flame.

Here are the 5 essential steps you must take in order to create advertising that provides you with a crazy high return on your investment!

1) Get their attention

Your ad is in competition with every other string of text in a publication. That includes every word, image and headline. Yours has to stand out, and provide the reader with content that is newsworthy, entertaining or informative. The reader is not just looking to read. They bought that magazine or paper to learn something new, or soak up some gee-whiz information. Your ad must fill one of those roles. If it doesn’t, it becomes solely an annoyance, and is quickly skipped over in search of content that is worthy of their attention.

2) Answer the most critical questions

What advantage will a customer gain after buying your product?

I typed out the word customer in bold text for a reason. As business owners, we develop a close relationship with our products. They’re our ideas, our genius and our source of income. Our passion is what got us this far, but it will also be the demise of our advertising success. You have to learn how to put that passion on pause during the advertising phase of business. Design your ads with the customer’s needs in mind. The reader may have no idea what your product is, does, or the purpose it serves. A selling point that you author may make perfect sense to you, but how is it perceived by an uneducated audience? Enlist the guidance of your peers that have zero affiliation with your business. Listen to their feedback, and build your advertising around their likes and needs.

3) Prove to them that what you are saying is true

The proof is not always in the pudding! In a bad economy, buyers are no longer willing to roll the

Answered by anasakeenaraaiya1982


Few marketers are big fans of post-campaign campaign analytics. After the campaign is complete, the creativity that they injected to kick it off in the first place has been spent. The excitement that they started the campaign with is over.

And the rush of success — or the horrible taste of failure — is past.

Reviewing marketing campaign analytics, however, can be incredibly valuable.

You learn what went wrong. What went right. You see how your target audience reacted, or how you activated a totally different audience that you didn’t even think the campaign would impact. You learn something new about your creative, and you also learn something new from almost every campaign about the channels and media that you’re using to execute the campaign.

As good as it can be to measure

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