The label on the bottle of chemicals is spoiled. How will you find whether the chemical is acidic or not?
By use of litmus paper :
If the given solution is acidic, it turns blue litmus to red litmus. If the given solution is basic, it turns red litmus to blue litmus.
ANswer :
We can find whether the chemical is an acid or a base by using an indicator.
ExplanatioN :
Indicators are those substances that help us to identify whether a substance is an acid or a base. There are natural and synthetic indicators and the reaction of a chemical with some common ones are given below:
⇒ Blue Litmus
Reaction with acid = Turns red
Reaction with base = Remains the same
⇒ Red Litmus
Reaction with acid = Remains the same
Reaction with base = Turns blue
⇒ Turmeric
Reaction with acid = Remains the same
Reaction with base = Turns red
⇒ Phenolphthalein
Reaction with acid = Remains crystal clear
Reaction with base = Turns pink
⇒ China Rose
Reaction with acid = Turns magenta
Reactions with base = Turns green