The lactic acid concentration in the blood of the athlete was measured at intervals. At the end of the slow run the lactic acid concentration had increased by 30%. After a rest, the athlete ran at a much faster speed on the treadmill. At the beginning of this exercise the lactic acid concentration in his blood was 100mgdm–3 . After 11 minutes running at the faster speed, his lactic acid concentration was 270mgdm–3 . Explain why the percentage increase in lactic acid is much greater when running at the faster speed.
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प्रश्न ४. निम्नलिखित रूपरेखा के आधार पर एक कहानी लिखिए। उसका शीर्षक और सीख भी लिखिए। एक गाँव की मुख्य सड़क पर एक बड़ा पत्थर -राहगीरों का उसे टकराना. किसान का वहाँ से गुजरना- जोर लगाकर पत्थर दूर हटाना- पत्थर के नीचे मुहरों से भरी थैली पाना चिट्ठी पत्थर हटाने का इनाम सीख। -एक गरीब make story of 3- 4 paragraphs
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