Science, asked by shadabsids6518, 5 months ago

The last time you saw the sisters pictured above, you considered how different protein molecules in their cells could lead to different traits. Now, you know that genes provide instructions for proteins that lead to traits. How could these sisters have ended up with different genes, leading to their different proteins and traits? Explain your ideas below.


Answered by IAMGENIUS8197


my sister has randoom genes zygote is formed from sperms they are usually random that will reach the ovary to form an zygote so it is random to have genes + if genes were exact we would have same fingerprints so during fertillization new gene but similar is formed accouding to me


Answered by phelpstrey38


I think that the sisters pictured above have different gene versions because they may have more genes from one of the parents, and the other sister may have some from another from the other. This effect made their hair different colors, 1 may be bigger(even though they are twins), one may have different freckles


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