The later vedic period witnesses the deterioration of women's status in society.
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The dignified role and position of women in the early Vedic period, the Epic period, and the Jainism and Buddhism period was completely reduced to one of virtual subservience during the age of Dharmaśāstras, Mánusmṛiti. Although the Mánusmṛiti considered women’s subordination to be a common phenomenon, the socio-cultural set-up further hardened the form and extent of women’s confinement during the age of Dharmaśāstras, Mánusmṛiti. During the period 1500 BC to 647 AD, the deterioration in women’s roles and position can be attributed to the imposition of Mánu’s codification of social rules, gender based discrimination, Brahmanical austerity applied to the entire Indian society, the crudest materialization of women, the implementation of rigid restrictions induced by the societal caste system and the system of joint families, women’s exclusion from educational facilities, foreign invasions, as well as the introduction of non-Aryan females as wives in Aryan families. Historical studies and women’s contemporary status have disclosed that although Indian society has never accepted womanhood as being equal since the age of Dharmaśāstras, Mánusmṛiti, even today women’s stories are reflected repeatedly as interesting episodes from the ancient period of Indian civilization.