the lazy donkey story writing
One day a farmer have a donkey, that donkey does not like to work hard. one day that farmer was taking salt, that salt was too heavy so he did , the salt was passed too the donkey . all day that donkey doing this work... one day there was a rain and the farmer said ,it was raining so after go. and the rain also stopped.. when they regular street that street full of water so the donkey slowly taken by farmer and suddenly a small rock skipped, and the donkey fell down in the water. and the salt was my weight that donkey was happy, next day also the donkey did this again, after 2 weeks goes. the farmer think we take 3ks salt and suddenly 2kg how it possible... and he got that answer too that was the donkey that was not slipped by the rock.. I and he got one plan when they goes regular place they go again, but that bag full of cotton but that donkey don't know... and that slipped in water that the bag was more than 6kg the donkey feel in the road that farmer said that he giving more food but you are so lazy.. I
moral : lazy is a bad Things for all people...
hope it helps mark as brainlist..