Math, asked by kulpreet6861, 7 months ago

The LCM of three numbers is 7920 and their GCD is 12. Two of the numbers are 48 and 264. Using factor notation find the third number if one of its factors is 9


Answered by jefferson7

The LCM of three numbers is 7920 and their GCD is 12. Two of the numbers are 48 and 264. Using factor notation find the third number if one of its factors is 9

Step-by-step explanation:

LCM = 7920 = 2⁴ × 3² × 5 × 11

GCD = 12 = 2² × 3

48 × 264 = 12672 = 2⁷ × 3² × 11

2² × 3² × 5 × 11 = 1980

1980 will be the third number.

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