The LCM of two numbers is 14 time there HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 600. If one number is 280,find the other number.
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hey there,
let the HCF of the numbers be x.
the LCM of the numbers = 14x
the sum of the HCF and LCM = 600
HCF of the numbers = 40 and
LCM of the numbers = 14*40 = 560
one number = 280, let the other number be y.
HCF * LCM = product of two numbers
thus the other number is 80.
Hope this helps!
let the HCF of the numbers be x.
the LCM of the numbers = 14x
the sum of the HCF and LCM = 600
HCF of the numbers = 40 and
LCM of the numbers = 14*40 = 560
one number = 280, let the other number be y.
HCF * LCM = product of two numbers
thus the other number is 80.
Hope this helps!
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