The left leg of the U tube mercury manometeris connected to a pipeline conveying water, thelevel of the mercury in the left leg being 0.6 mbelow the center of the pipeline and the rightleg open to the atmosphere. The level of themercury in the right leg is 0.45 m above that ofthe left leg and the space above the mercury inthe right leg contains benzene to a height of 0.3m. Find the pressure in the pipe. (density ofbenzene 876 kg/m)
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zhysyayfaysdhdshfshfsufshfshfsjfshcsfhsfhfshfshcshfshfshfshfshfshshtsufsjgsugsjdjgtsfhsjshttsthshtshsutsufsusfhshfsufsufsufsufsusytshaurshrshfzhf,bc, c, , ,dbc,bczhgdghakufshsyrhueoudsyi
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