Science, asked by shj0491113, 7 months ago

The left side of the heart is completely separated from the right side by means of a partition wall called septum .If septum was not present between the heart , What could have happened ?

answer in english


Answered by ARMYkookie

The right atrium and left atrium are separated by a wall of tissue called the atrial septum. The two lower chambers are called the ventricles

Hope it's help

Answered by virativaibhavmani630


The heart is divided into four chambers. The two upper chambers are called the atria. The right atrium and left atrium are separated by a wall of tissue called the atrial septum. The two lower chambers are called the ventricles, and are separated into the right and left ventricle by the ventricular septum. The ventricles have thicker walls and pump blood to the lungs and body.


The left and right side of the heart are separated because of a reason. The left heart contains the oxygenated blood. Oxygen rich blood is pumped from lungs to the left atrium and then to left ventricle from where the blood is pumped to the entire body.

The right ventricle collectes the deoxygenated blood from the body and then it is pushed to the left atrium from where it is pushed to the lungs to get oxygenated blood.

The wall that separates the two sections is called the Septum. To know more about heart and heart related diseases you can go through the blog titled

In short

The right and left sides of the heart are separated by a muscular wall that prevents blood without oxygen from mixing with blood that has oxygen. The heart also has valves that separate the chambers and connect to major blood vessels.

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