The Legend of northland short summary easy way
the poem the legend of northland is a ballad.
In this poem, the poet tells a ballad about a lady and a Saint. Saint Peter was hungry because of his journey worldwide. In northland the saint came to the door of a cottage, there was a little woman baking cakes on a hearth.
As saint was hungry and faint he asked the lady to give him a single cake out of her store of cakes. she baked a very small cake and when she finished baking it ,seemed too big to give away .then she kneaded another cake which was smaller than the previous cake but when baking lay it seem too big to give away. she took a tiny scrap of dough and rolled it flat and baked it as thin as a wafer but she couldn't part with that too . she said to herself that my cake seem too small when I eat it myself and too large to give away. she didn't give any cake to Saint Peter. he was angry on her he said that you are part of selfish to Dwell in human form to have both food and shelter and fire to keep you warm now she shall build as birds do and get her scanty little food. she should go in the hard dry wood in the jungles to bore and bore for food. Saint Peter Pan the little selfish lady into a Woodpecker .she flew through the chimney never speaking a word for she was changed to a bird . everything was burned but her little Scarlet cap was not burned. now every country school boy has seen her in the woods till this very day boring and boring for food.
hope it helps!!
A Legend of Northland
by Phoebe Cary
‘A legend of the Northland’ is a ballad. A ballad is a poem narrating a story in short stanzas. Ballad is such kind of poem which tells a story in short stanzas and in the poem all the stanzas comprise four lines. In total, there are 16 stanzas in this poem and these stanzas will tell us a story. Ballads are a part of folk culture or popular culture and are passed on orally from one generation to the next. (Folk culture is a story of any area and is known as ballad). Folk culture comprises of traditional stories which are passed on from one generation to next generation.
This story is of the Northland area, the area which is near the North Pole. This exact place is not specified but ‘Northland’ means the area in the northernmost part of the earth i.e., near the North Pole. ‘Legend’ means a historical story, one which is very old and has been passed on from generation to generation.