Science, asked by gomaanand, 1 month ago

the length of curved line is measured using


Answered by chetanayeluri


the length of curved line is measured using thread and a scale.


(1) We take a piece of thread and put a knot near itsone end. This knot will act as a starting point formeasuring the length of the curved line.

(2) Place the knot of the thread at a point A on theleft end of the curved line with the help of thumb andforefinger.

(3) Hold the thread a little distance away from theknot and keep it along the curved line with the help ofright thumb and forefinger.

In this way, run the thread all along the curved line inlittle steps at a time, keeping the thread taut, till theother end B of the curved line is reached. Make an inkmark on the thread where it touches the other end Bof the curved line. Now, straighten the thread andmeasure its length between the knot and the inkmark by keeping it along a scale. This will give us the length of the curved line

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