English, asked by Anoushka4791, 11 months ago

The lesson ‘The Rattrap’ deals with ‘the human tendency to redeem oneself from dishonest ways’.Comment on this statement.
पाठ ‘The Rattrap’ बेईमानी पूर्ण तरीकों को छोड़ने की मानवीय प्रवृत्ति का जिक्र करता है। इस पर एक टिप्पणी लिखें।


Answered by SelieVisa


"The Rat Trap” strongly validates the concept that compassion revolves around humankind and that the human tendency to redeem oneself from dishonest ways. It provides evidence when the old man and the blacksmith’s daughter show compassion towards the protagonist. As a result, the girl acted as the North Star, guiding the protagonist out of the trap of cynicism.

In the end he makes amends with the old man by returning his money and writing Edla a thank you note. He understands what he did to the man was wrong and that was not returning the kindness and trust given to him. He apologized for lying to the girl and her father and leaves her a present, a rat trap and the stolen money (thirty croner bills) of the old man to be returned.

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