The letters of the word BRONZE are written in all possible orders. How many words are possible? If these words are written out in a dictionary order, what is the rank of the word BRONZE?
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that the letters of the word BRONZE are written in all
possible orders.
Since there are 6 letters in the given word and the number of
ways in which 6 letters can be arranged among themselves
would be 6! = 720.
Letters of the word BRONZE in alphabetical order are B, E, O, N,
R, Z
So, if all the words are written in a dictionary order firstly
Words starting with BE : the last 4 can be permuted in 4! = 24
Words starting with BO : Again last 4 can be permuted in 4! = 24
Words starting with BN : Again last 4 can be permuted in 4! = 24
Words starting with BRE the last 3 can be permuted in 3! = 6
Words starting with BROE the last 2 can be permuted in 2! = 2
Words starting with BRONE there is only 1 word BRONEZ and
then next comes BRONZE.
So, the rank of word BRONZE is 3*24 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 82
Hence, BRONZE is 82 nd word .
Hope, it helps !