The letters of the word PERMIT are arranged in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in a dictionary. What is the rank of the word PEMRIT?
1) 369 2) 374 3) 375 4) 259 5) 297
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Given : The letters of the word PERMIT are arranged in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in a dictionary.
To Find : the rank of the word PEMRIT
6 letters
E , I , M , P , R , T
All words Starting with E , I and M and are before PEMRIT
3 * 5! = 360 words
Then Starting with PEI are before PEMRIT
Hence 3! = 6 words
Starting with PEMI are before PEMRIT
2! = 2 words
Then comes PEMRIT
Hence Rank of PEMRIT is 360 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 369
rank of the word PEMRIT is 369
Correct option is 1) 369
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