The lifestyle of the harappan people in all aspects- social, economic(agriculture, trade and commerce), religious was marked by an aura of advancement not only over past stone age cultures, but it also overshadowed its contemporary civilizations. Elaborate with suitable examples.
The Indus River Valley Civilization, also known as Harappan civilization, developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm. Harappans created sculpture, seals, pottery, and jewelry from materials, such as terracotta, metal, and stone.
The Indus River Valley Civilization, also known as Harappan civilization, developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm.
Harappans created sculpture, seals, pottery, and jewelry from materials, such as terracotta, metal, and stone.
Evidence shows Harappans participated in a vast maritime trade network extending from Central Asia to modern-day Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, and Syria.
The Indus Script remains indecipherable without any comparable symbols, and is thought to have evolved independently of the writing in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.