English, asked by depanshu, 11 months ago

"The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole" Exppain this statement in about 250 words!

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nancyyy: lawl


Answered by Arslankincsem
This is a famous song ‘the light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole’ by Ariana Grande and lyrics by Nicky Minaj.

 There are no hidden meanings usually behind songs.

The lyrics of the song mean that the light will come soon and return everything which was taken away or hidden by darkness.

It stresses on being positive because it is positivity that takes you through hard times.
Answered by bestanswers

       "The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole"

                             This line is from the famous song "The light is coming"  from the Album Sweetener produced by Pharrell Williams, featuring Nicki Minaj and sung by Ariana Grande.

                              Whenever we feel that everything is over in life, it will always surprise us by giving happiness. What once felt like being taken away from us will find its way back to us in a much better way. During struggles when we feel that the door to success is closed, we must always feel positive that this too shall pass on and very soon life will give us new opportunities to work hard.

                              This statement is all about being positive in life even when something dark happens in our life, because if there is darkness, then there is a light. Good and bad, Darkness and Light, Success and Failure are all part and parcel of life. We should always anticipate good things to happen when we face tough times because it is a universal fact that Good times do return when bad things occur.

                              After the storm comes a calm which means no season remains forever and similarly no situations at life will remain forever. We should always remain to be a realist. When things turn bad, prefer to see them as they are and anticipate good things.  We should not stick on to the present unpleasant situation. Instead, we must concentrate on the good things that life holds on for us. Though tough situations disturb our normal life, it will not remain for a long period, but very soon it will bring about joy and goodness.

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