The liquid connective tissue A circulates in our body continuously without stopping. This tissue contains a pigment B which imparts it a colour C. The tissue A consists of four components D, E, F and G. The component D fights infection and protects us from diseases. The component E helps in the clotting of tissue A if a person gets a cut. The component F is a liquid which consists mainly of water with many substances dissolved in it and component G carries oxygen from the lungs to all the parts of the body.
(a) What is (i) tissue A (ii) pigment B, and (iii) colour C?
(b) Name (i) D (ii) E (iii) F, and (iv) G.
(c) Name one substance (other than oxygen) which is transported by tissue A in the human body.
(d) Which two components of tissue A are the cells without nucleus?
(e) Name any two organisms ( animals) which do not have liquid like A in their body.
Answered by
ai) A is blood
aii) pigment B is haemoglobin
aiii) C is red colour
bi) D is WBC(white blood cells) also called as leucocytes
bii) E is platelets people also call it thrombocytes
biii) F is fluid matrix made up of 90% water called plasma
biv) G is RBC(Red Blood Cell) also called erythrocytes
d) plasma
e) Flatworms, nematodes,
thats all mark me as brainliest
at least like it for writing soo long answer
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