English, asked by manasapadimon, 8 months ago

The little boy said, "My mother sent me houses were built w
to find a little round red house with no been fields of Jersey
windows and no doors, a chimney on top corn, Mr Fetzer's fa
and a star in the middle.
left in the neighbour
Little boy; the officer said, I've been past.
farm stand and solo
every house in this town, but I've never vegetables he gren
seen a house like that
before, are you sure
that's what your mother said?'
If anyone knows
"Oh, yes, the little boy answered. 'She said should, the little be
she found the same house when she was trudged to Mr Fet
just my age, so I know it's real.


Answered by gokulsingh6300


mujhe jo ladki m a s s a g e karegi brainly me use me follow karunga make me as the brainliest beautiful

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