The local time of bhutan located at 90 degree E longitude when the time at greenwich 0 degree is 12 noon?
Difference between Greenwich and Thimpu = 90° of longitudes
Total Time difference = 90 x 4 = 360 minutes
= 360/60 hours
= 6 hours\Local time of Thimpu is 6 hours more than that at
Greenwich, i.e. 6.00 p.m.
The local time in Bhutan located at E longitude is 6 P.M.
The Shepherd Gate Clock at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, displays the time in Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT. At Greenwich, it is 12:00 p.m. when the sun is at its greatest point, which is precisely above the Prime Meridian.
Daylight Saving Time (DST) clock changes have no impact on GMT.
The starting point for each time zone in the world is the Greenwich Meridian, also known as the Prime Meridian or Longitude 0 degrees.
Local time of Bhutan located at E longitude.
The time difference between Greenwich and Bhutan = E longitude(as already given).
The the total time difference between Greenwich and Bhutan = minutes.
Now we have to convert it into hours.
Total time difference = .
Therefore, 6 hours, or Bhutan local time, is 6 hours later than Greenwich time, or 6 P.M.
So, the time in Bhutan is 6 P.M.