The longitude of Allahabad, India is 81° 50' (81 degrees, 50 minutes) E. If the time in Allahabad is around 12 noon, what time of the day would it be, at a place whose longitude is 10°W?
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Answer: hi friend
Explanation:I think the correct answer is 53°
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The time of the day the place will be having is 5:52:40 am
- the difference between Allahabad and the place of that particular longitude is equal to 91 degree 50 minutes.
- 1 degree takes 4 minutes. Hence 91 degree will take 91x4 = 364mins or 6hr 4mins
- 50minutes is equal to 5/6 of a degree = 5/6x4 mins which is 10/3x60sec = 3minites 20sec
- So the total time difference will be 6 hours and 7 minutes 20secs
- hence the local time of the place will be behind Allahabad by 6 hours 7 minutes and 20 seconds. So if it is 12 p.m. at Allahabad the time at that place will be 5:52:40 am
To know more,
why is the 180 degree longitude known as the international date line
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