The <li> tag is used to form a table.
The HTML <li> tag represents a list item in ordered and unordered lists. The <li> tag is placed inside either a <ol> tag or a <ul> to represent each individual item within that list.
No, <li> tag doesn't form a table. We use <table> tag to form a table in HTML.
<li> Tag
<li> is a paired tag of HTML that is used to create list items in an ordered or unordered list.
Sometimes students get confused between list and table. But both are different entities. A list is a sequential collection of items like a list of grocery shopping or a list of gifts etc.
While a table is a collection of rows and columns in which we organize the data in a tabular format.
Syntax of list
<li>First list item</li>
<li>Seond list item</li>
<li> Third list item</li>
For an unordered list, use the <ul> tag at the beginning and last.
And for creating a table use <table> tag not <li>.