The luxury goods like jewellery and fancy articles will have
buying a luxury handbag these days seems to be no uncommon then purchasing a pair of shoes at target corp TGT the physical Appeal of luxury goods is undeniable- the leather is softer in ,the shoes are more comfortable but the price tag is often of putting unless you have got a good job or Fantastic saving habits luxury consumers good will sit on your credit card for a long time
there is no need to explain why this works in favour of the luxury goods company Marketing department take apple for example consumers wait overnight for new releases and Have immense brand loyalty even through Macbook and and iPhones aren't technologically unique or superior in fact Samsung make phones with better features features and Microsoft Corp and show Xiaomi phone at a cheaper price. Nevertheless, Apple seems to break sales record year after year the company has master the art of retail marketing and extended more economic influence on us than any company in history