The main caluse of the treaty of versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed after the end of the First World War in 1918.The main clauses of the treaty were divided into general, financial, military and territorial.
1. General Clauses
a) Establishment of the League of Nations
b) Germany need to accept the blame for starting the war.
2. Financial Clauses
Germany had to pay a huge amount as reparations for the damage caused during the war.
3.Military Clauses:
The German army was reduced to 100,000 men. She was allowed only 6 ships and no submarines.No airforce was allowed. The Rhineland area was to be kept free from German military personnel ad weapons.
4.Territorial Clauses;
Germany was denied unification with Austria.Germany had to lose land as Alsace- Lorraine was given to France. Eupen and Malmady were given to Belgium. Even Czechoslovakia and Poland were given German land. The League of Nations took control of the German colonies.
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