the major functions of religion
Some of the most important functions of religion are as follows: 1. Religion as an Integrative Force 2. Creating a Moral Community 3. Religion as Social Control 4. Provides Rites of Passage 5. Religion as Emotional Support 6. Religion Serves a Means to Provide Answers to Ultimate Questions 7. Religion as a Source of Identity 8. Legitimating Function of Religion 9. Psychologizing Religion 10. Religion Acts as Psychotherapy 11. Religion as an Agent of Social Change 12. Religion as an Agent of De-politicization 13. Religion Controls Sexuality.
Religion is a cultural universal because it fulfills several basic functions within human societies. It is a basic requirement of group life. In sociological terms, these include both manifest and latent functions. Among the manifest (open and stated) functions of religion are included defining the spiritual world and giving meaning to the divine.
Religion provides an explanation for events that seem difficult to understand. By contrast, latent functions or religion are unintended, covert, or hidden. Functionalists suggest that religion is a requirement for society and individual both because it serves both manifest and latent functions.