The maleness of a child is determined by [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) the X chromosome in the zygote
(b) the Y chromosome in zygote
(c) the cytoplasm of germ cell which determines the sex
(d) sex is determined by chance
☯ AnSwEr :
The maleness of a child is determined by the Y chromosome in zygote.
So, Option B is correct.
★ Additional Information :
There are 46 chromosomes inside human body. Out of which 23 chromosomes are transffered to the offsprings by male and female both. Out of these 23 chromosome 1 is sex chromosome. So, there will be total 46 chromosome and 2 sex chromosomes because male and female both gave 23 chromosomes. Sex chromosome of the female is always X and sex chromosome of male can be X and Y respectively. If male chromosome is Y then it is a boy and if male chromosome is X then it is girl. XY → Boy and XX → Girl.
The maleness of a child is determined by the Y chromosome in zygote.
So, Option B is correct.
★ Additional Information :
There are 46 chromosomes inside human body. Out of which 23 chromosomes are transffered to the offsprings by male and female both. Out of these 23 chromosome 1 is sex chromosome. So, there will be total 46 chromosome and 2 sex chromosomes because male and female both gave 23 chromosomes. Sex chromosome of the female is always X and sex chromosome of male can be X and Y respectively. If male chromosome is Y then it is a boy and if male chromosome is X then it is girl. XY → Boy and XX → Girl.