CBSE BOARD X, asked by Marcella, 1 year ago

The man in the poem snake was brave or coward ? Give suitable reasons to support your answer.


Answered by priya438

in the poem snake , the poet is coward because , he followed the man rules not his own rules .

Marcella: But people scare at the sight of venemous snakes but he wasn't he threw the log at the snake knowing that the snake can ready
Marcella: Reattack hun
priya438: actually , m in graduation , i remember some of knowledge and giving his answer, dont mind
Marcella: #him
Answered by Dishankkryadav
He was brave but he was forced to throgh a log because of people beliving that if you saw a snake and not jot that you are coward

But he felt soory fot thrughing log aftrrwards

Marcella: If he was a coward then why did he felt honoured to see the snake at his water trough. He also says that snake lift his head as cattle do ...??
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