English, asked by imranalam33, 3 months ago

The manager asked kishore,‘have you achieved any success in your endeavors?’


Answered by Anonymous


A staminate flower contains stamens only while a pistillate flower only contains carpels or pistils. This is the major difference. Stamens are male reproductive organs while pistils are female reproductive structures.

Out of the many other structures of a flower, stamens and pistils are the reproductive parts. In angiosperms, they participate in reproduction. Stamens consist of anthers and filaments which enclose male gametes. Pistil on the other hand is a female reproductive structure consisting of stigma, ovary and style. Though almost all flowers can be classified into pistillate and staminate flowers, some flowers have both male and female structures in the same flower.

Staminate Flowers

Consists of male reproductive structures only and is an androecious or male flower

Stamen, the male reproductive structure has two parts – filament and anther

It does not contain activated female reproductive parts

Cucumber a dioecious plant produces staminate flowers Chrysanthemum produces disc florets which are staminate flowers

Pistillate Flowers

Consists of female reproductive structures only known as the carpels or pistils

They do not have activated stamens. But they have a swollen base due to the presence of the ovary

Carpels have three parts – style, stigma and ovary

Pistillate flowers obtain pollens from other flowers for fertilization

Example – cucumber has pistillate flowers while bearing staminate flowers separately

Difference between Staminate and Pistillate Flowers

The table below depicts a few differences between Staminate and Pistillate Flowers

Staminate Flowers Pistillate Flowers

What are they?

Flower structures possessing stamens only Flower structures possessing pistils only

Flower type

Uni sexual Male flowers Uni sexual Female flowers


Active stamens present Active stamens absent


Active pistils absent Active pistils present


Pollen grains Ovules

Answered by princejeetkaur07


the manager asked Kishore if he had achieved any success in his endeavour.

hey put K capital in Kishore

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