the managing committee of bharat shiksha institute has decided to bring changes in the english and accountancy syllabus for the first year course mr kamal kapoor the academic dean of the institute has been assigned the task of conveying a meeting of all sketchholder subject expert college lecture students and members of print and publish department to decide the necessary alternate in the syllabi as Kamal Kapoor set an agenda for the meeting
Addressing: Managing Committee of Bharat Shiksha Institute
By: Mr. Kamal Kapoor the academic dean
The points for discussion for this meeting include,
- Briefing on the previous syllabus for English and Accountancy,
-Redesigning of the new syllabus for English and Accountancy for 1st year only.
-Reviewing courses for 2nd term to be in sync with 1st term for future progression.
-Informing the stakeholders which include, students, subject experts, college lecturers, members of the printing and publishing department
-Discussion of deadlines of new syllabus submission
-Setting a final date for publishing of the syllabus
-Discuss which dissemination tool would be used to inform faculty and student body.