English, asked by ravi0723, 11 months ago

the measure of intelligence is the ability to change essay in telugu in 1000 words​


Answered by saritachourasiya6

Answer:The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.' (Albert Einstein) ... But though Einstein was among the greatest intellects in human history, he also had a most down-to-earth approach to life. His quotation above testifies to that fact.

Intelligence Is The Ability Of Change

737 Words Mar 30th, 2016 3 Pages

Show More Our world grows every second of every day and, to thrive in this constantly changing 21st century world, one cannot simply just be described as merely intelligent. As stated by Albert Einstein, “the measure of intelligence is the ability to change”. In respects to this, the C-FB Gifted and Talented Program has helped me prepare to be a highly intelligent individual with the potential to promote change and the capability


Answered by BendingReality



      The measure of intelligence is the ability of change.

'The measure of intelligence is the ability of change' the most famous quote given by Albert Einstein. Intelligence can't be measure by any device like thermometer. God has given brain to every human being. It's totally depends on us how much of our  brain we use. When we consider that change is inevitable. It is clear that everyone must become proficient at navigating change. It is not possible to escape change even if its our great desire to do so. For instance struggle and decrease strength and energy etc.

The meaning of ' The measure of intelligence is the ability of change' is that if we are not bringing change or not growing mentally then we are not being intelligence or not increasing our intelligence level. Even there may be so many internal or external block to change. People always try to change himself/herself. They bring change to easily approach to their aim. Every successful man/women change in order to become successful.

We have great example of world's second most richest man. Yeah! Bill Gates. He had no interest in maths and science field but has great interest in field of technology. Getting failure in class X . He change himself and started working in his own interest's field. The growing mind or intelligence level in the field of Computer Science led to the invention of world to in use software 'Microsoft' and become second richest man in the world.

We should always bring change and should always increase our intelligence level.

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