The Merchant of Venice
Read the extract given below and answer the following questions :
Shylock: Therefore I part with him; and part with him
To the one that I would have him help of waste
His borrow'd purse-Well, Jessica go in:
Perhaps I will you done immediately:
Do as I bid you: shut the door after you:
Fast bind, fast find;
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.
(a) Who is Shylock talking to? Where the scene does takes place?
(b) Where is Shylock going? What does Shylock ask Jessica to do prior to these lines?
(c) Explain the line "fast bind, fast find"? What the Shylock want to find?
(d) What reasons the Shylock give for his unwillingness to leave this leave the house?
(e) How is Jessica different from her father Shylock? What she decides to do at the end
of the scene?
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oh my god ypu are in which standard
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