the mode of asexual reproduction given on the following diagram

spore formation for example in fungi
The mode of asexual reproduction given in the diagram is spore formation (in fungus).
Step-by-step explanation:-
We know that asexual reproduction is the development of a new plant from plant parts, such as leaf, root, stem, bud, etc., that is, from vegetative parts. And in this kind, the young ones produced are identical to the parent plants. Generally, plants reproduce asexually in two ways, i.e., through spore formation and vegetative propagation.
- Spore formation: In this method, lower plant organisms produce globular structures called sporangia, which contains spores. When sporangia ripe, they burst open to release spores. These spores are very light and they have a hard protective coat. The spores develop in a same way as seedlings develop into plants. This method of asexual reproduction is seen in fungi, mosses, ferns, etc.
Additional information:-
★ Natural methods of vegetative propagation
Plants like sweet potato and Dahlia can be propagated vegetatively from roots. These roots contain small buds, which are capable of generating a new plants whenever they are planted in soil.
New plants can be produced from the stem also. For example, plants like potato and onion could be propagated using their underground stem structures called tuber and bulb, respectively.
In plants such as Bryophyllum, adventitious buds are present on the notched margins of the leaves. When these buds fall off and come in contact with moist soil, they give rise to new plants.