The modern periodic table has been evolved through the early attempts of Dobereiner, Newland and Mendeleev. List one advantage and one limitation of all the three attempts. ??
your answer !
Dobereiner Periodic Table
Advantage:- To predict the atomic mass of middle element in each triad
Limitation: Dobereiner could identify only three triads
Newland Periodic table
Advantage:- Every eighth element had properties similar to that of first element.
Limitation:- It was only applicable up to Calcium. It included only 56 elements and no future elements were given place in the table.
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
Advantage:- Elements with similar properties could be grouped.
He also predicted the existence of new elements that had not been discovered at that time. Limitation: No fixed position was assigned to hydrogen.
Position of isotopes was not satisfactory.
Atomic masses increased in an irregular manner.
follow me !
1. Dobereiner
Advantage« He gave an idea of classification of elements
Limit« hr could not able to arrannge all elements
2. Newland
advantage« Newland was able to place 56 elements known at the time in his classification system
limit « His classification system worked only for the lighter elements
3. mendeleef
Advantage« In his classification, Mendeleev arranged elements on the basis of increasing atomic masses and similar formula for hydrides and oxides.
limit« Mendeleev placed elements with greater atomic mass prior to ones having lesser atomic mass for the similarity of properties.