The molecule which gives microwave spectra is
permanent dipolemoment (polar compound) - change of dipole occurs during the rotation – hence interaction with radiation takes place – Therefore, heteronuclear diatomic molecules are microwave active.
Given below is the answer
Scientists employ microwave rotational spectroscopy to examine the pure rotational transitions for molecules. In this spectroscopy, transitions between a gas molecule's quantum rotational energy levels are induced by photons in the microwave region. Intermolecular interactions prevent rotations in the molecule's liquid and solid phases, which is why the sample must be in the gas phase. Based on their form and the inertia around their three orthogonal rotational axes, molecules can be divided into five groups for microwave spectroscopy. Diatomic molecules, linear molecules, spherical tops, symmetric tops, and asymmetric tops are the 5 categories mentioned. A photon can be absorbed when a gas molecule is exposed to microwave radiation due to the interaction of the photon's electronic field with the electrons.
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