The months of October and November are marked by festivities throughout India. Water pollution due to immersion of idols and air pollution due to bursting of cracker or by the product of these festivals. Write a letter to the Editor mentioning the impact of these rituals, as well as give suggestion
Times Of India
New Delhi-110210
1st May, 2018
Subject: City getting polluted during festival
As holding the seat of protector of the city, I want to drag your attention towards the pollution being done during the festival time of October and November. The festival like Diwali brings the air pollution with them. People burn crackers even if they are made to pay the fine.
The Ganesh Chaturthi brings water pollution. People immersed the idols in the river in the name of the tradition.
I want you to publish an article regarding this so the government would pay attention towards it and would take some serious steps. I'll be grateful to you.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
Anshu Gupta
The editor
Times of India
Dear Editor,
As we all know India is a country of festivals. We have a festival for every occasion and season. We have been celebrating all these festivals with great fervor and this culture should go on for posterity.
In light of the upcoming festivities, I would like to suggest a few things:
Ganesh Chathurthi is celebrated with great splendor all over India and at the end of the festive celebrations, we immerse Ganesha idols in the sea. Giving due respect to the environment, it would be sustainable for the environment, if we were to make our idols in a way that they do not harm the water as well as the environment.
Only mud and clay should be used so that no harm is done to the water bodies during submersion of idols. The paints used can be vegetable and organic-based. We should ensure that no plastic decorations are allowed so that these plastic wastes do not end up killing our marine life.
The same applies to the crackers we burst. Crackers with less toxic fumes should be manufactured so that the air is not polluted and the air is not hazardous to man. Cracker manufacturers should cooperate and manufacture crackers within the safety norms prescribed. By adhering to these rules, we can celebrate our festivals as always and also ensure that the environment is not harmed.
Thanking you,
Yours truly