English, asked by rohitkumar1234575, 6 months ago

The moon without as pure and calm
Is shining as that night she shone;
But now, to us she brings no balm,
For something from our hearts is gone. For something from our heart is gone.'According to poet, what has gone away? ​


Answered by naga741


At the loss of a dear sweet child words cannot explain, how much the heart is broken, or how awful is the pain. “Why doest Thou take little ones?” I asked as I knelt to pray. I felt His spirit telling me; “They are too pure to stay.” I had the warmest feeling that my child is happy and waits, until we are together again past Heaven’s golden gates. Time will reunite us. In not too many years. In heavens place, we’ll embrace and joy will replace tears.

Answered by Anonymous


hope it helps⌐╦╦═─........

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