English, asked by ss40929, 4 months ago

The Mountain Lion by D.H Lawrence is a fine poem.


Answered by gayenbanasree


The Mountain Lion by D.H Lawrence is a fine poem.

Answered by Marvel208653


This poem is magnificent. Why did we have to read Lawrence’s novels at university, but not his poems? I could have lived without the former, but surely would have appreciated — even loved — the latter.

Mountain Lion

Climbing through the January snow, into the Lobo Canyon

Dark grow the spruce-trees, blue is the balsam, water sounds still unfrozen, and the trail is still evident


Two men!

Men! The only animal in the world to fear!

They hesitate.

We hesitate.

They have a gun.

We have no gun.

Then we all advance, to meet.

Two Mexicans, strangers, emerging our of the dark and

snow and inwardness of the Lobo valley.

What are they doing here on this vanishing trail?

What is he carrying?

Something yellow.

A deer?

Que’ tiene amigo?


He smiles foolishly as if he were caught doing wrong.

And we smile, foolishly, as if we didn’t know.

He is quite gentle and dark-faced.

It is a mountain lion,

A long, long, slim cat, yellow like a lioness.


He trapped her this morning, he says, smiling foolishly.

Life up her face,

Her round, bright face, bright as frost.

Her round, fine-fashioned head, with two dead ears;

And stripes in the brilliant frost of her face, sharp, fine dark rays,

Dark, keen, fine rays in the brilliant frost of her face.

Beautiful dead eyes.

Hermoso es!

They go out towards the open;

We go out into the gloom of Lobo.

And above the trees I found her lair,

A hole in the blood-orange brilliant rocks that stick up, a little cave.

And bones, and twigs, and a perilous ascent.

So, she will never leap up that way again, with the yellow flash of a mountain lion’s long shoot!

And her bright striped frost-face will never watch any more, out of the shadow of the cave in the blood- orange rock,

Above the trees of the Lobo dark valley-mouth!

Instead, I look out.

And out to the dim of the desert, like a dream, never real;

To the snow of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the ice of the mountains of Picoris,

And near across at the opposite steep of snow, green trees motionless standing in snow, like a Christmas toy.

And I think in this empty world there was room for me and a mountain lion.

And I think in the world beyond, how easily we might spare a million or two humans

And never miss them.

Yet what a gap in the world, the missing white frost-face of that slim yellow mountain lion!

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