The movement of the sun towards the south is
Answer:Most of the Sun's apparent motion comes from the Earth's rotation. As our planet spins, the Sun, the Moon, and all the stars appear to move from east to west, just like if you spin around in an office chair and the walls all appear to move the other way.
After the June solstice, the sun's path gradually drifts southward. By the September equinox, its path is again along the celestial equator. The southward drift then continues until the December solstice (usually December 21), when the sun rises considerably south of due east and sets considerably south of due west.
In the Southern Hemisphere, south is to the left. The Sun rises in the east (near arrow), culminates in the north (to the right) while moving to the left, and sets in the west (far arrow). Both rise and set positions are displaced towards the south in midsummer and the north in midwinter.