The municipal commissioner drew his attention to the nuisance caused by loud speakers in the city during the exam days.
7, Prem Kunj
B.A. Road
Palghar - 401 726
2 August, 2020
The Municipal Commissioner
Nawapada - 410 401
Subject: Noise nuisance in the city.
This is to bring to your notice that, of late, the noise in this town have become more noisier. There is more of noise & less of fervour. I enclose a 'middle' published in 'Palghar Times' to this effect.
From every street corner loudspeakers blare film music & dialogues at full pitch from early morning till late night. Apart from fact the noise robs one of one's precious & well earned rest, it scares babies, animals & birds. It sends up palpitation rates of heart patients and of those suffering from high blood pressure.
On behalf of peace loving citizens of Palghar, I request you to take appropriate steps to patrol areas to enforce law regarding noise pollution.
Thanking you,
Your's faithfully,
Shambu Jadhav
Answer ⬇
7, Prem Kunj
B.A. Road
Palghar - 401 726
2 August, 2020
The Municipal Commissioner
Nawapada - 410 401
Subject: Noise nuisance in the city.
This is to bring to your notice that, of late, the noise in this town have become more noisier. There is more of noise & less of fervour. I enclose a 'middle' published in 'Palghar Times' to this effect.
From every street corner loudspeakers blare film music & dialogues at full pitch from early morning till late night. Apart from fact the noise robs one of one's precious & well earned rest, it scares babies, animals & birds. It sends up palpitation rates of heart patients and of those suffering from high blood pressure.
On behalf of peace loving citizens of Palghar, I request you to take appropriate steps to patrol areas to enforce law regarding noise pollution.
Thanking you,
Your's faithfully,
Niketu shar.