The names given to different parts of a program are called ______ literal
Identifiers in programming Language are symbolic names used for identification. For every identifier there are some formal keywords that should be used before declaring them.
It can be class name, variable name, method name, package name, constant name, etc.
An identifier is nothing but a name assigned to an elements in a program.
It can be a name of a variable or a function, etc.
Identifiers in C programming language are the user-defined names.
As the name suggests, identifiers are used to identify a particular element in any program
The name given to the different python programs is Block literal.
Literals are the variable values whose values are unchangeable. The value of the literals remains constant during the execution of a program. Literals are also called identifiers. Identifiers are the names used to identify variables, functions, and labels in a program. The identifier should start with an alphabet, and it must be different from keywords.