The narrator says,’ It was through me that they had earned a great degree of admiration and respect from the villages.’ Do you agree to this statement? Why (not)?
I disagree with the narrator's statement. The text from the reading comprehension is a short text, but it provides enough evidence to feel the other way.
The narrator has been very fortunate. His father has been toiling all his life and doing manual work so that he could provide his son a good education in hostels. The father worked extremely hard, yet the son does not seem to be sensitive to his father's situation. He lets his father carry the luggage, because he feels that his father is used to carrying loads and he himself is not.
Any child, irrespective of how educated he is, cannot possibly be a source of respect if he cannot take care of the same father who struggled to give his son a good life through education. All the education comes to naught (nothing) if the son cannot even feel his father's pain of walking barefoot on an uneven road, carrying a young son's luggage. Hence, there is no doubt about the son being insensitive and a foolish person, who cannot possibly command respect.