English, asked by Kiran8677, 1 year ago

The narrator suggest two reasons to account for the girl not realizeing he was in the Compartent with her. What are they?


Answered by shivapandeypandey123


The Eyes are Not Here” is a short story written by Indian writer, Ruskin Bond. The story is about how two blind strangers travelling on a train and is not aware that either of them is blind. The story depicts situational irony.

The story starts off with a blind girl travelling through a train in a compartment along with another person. To keep her from realizing that he is blind, the man describes the scenery from his old memories.

The man asks the girl a question and she tells him to look out of the window by himself. After a while, the girl gets down and another man enters the compartment. When the new man asks the blind man about the girl, he says he does not know anything.

Later, he gets to know that even she was blind and he feels like he not only fooled that girl but also himself. Both of them were blind, but neither of them realized it about the others

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