English, asked by yadavrakshith29, 8 months ago

the narrator wanted to marry a woman who was,,, ​


Answered by Anonymous


They usually reside in the arms of spiral galaxies and are characterized by the strong Helium-II absorption lines in their spectra. They have weaker hydrogen and neutral helium lines in their spectra than B-type stars.

Because of their mass and temperature, they have short life spans that end in a supernova explosion resulting in either black holes or neutron stars. Some examples of blue stars: Delta Circini, V560 Carinae, Theta1 Orionis C.

Yellow Dwarfs

Yellow dwarfs have a 10% prevalence, with a spectral type G. They have temperatures between 5.200 K to 7.500 K, with luminosities around 0.6 to 5.0 that of the Sun. They have a mass of around 0.8 to 1.4 that of the sun and last about 4 to 17 billion years.

Answered by Anonymous


the narrator wanted to marry a woman doctor with plenty of money and good medical practice . He wanted wanted to her be fat so that if the narrator made some silly mistake and needed to run away then his wife wont be fast enough to chase him .

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