English, asked by pareekhiya112, 11 months ago

The nationwide lockdown due to COVID 19 has offered us an opportunity to learn and unlearn certain things. it has also helped humans reflect the deeds, while nature heels itself write a dialogue based on the above lines between 2 or 3 or 4 people


Answered by jalshasinghsardar


Hope it may help you


During this time many people learned that their jobs were possible to do from home. Once the virus outbreak ends, it might be worth having a chat with your boss about working from home possibilities when necessary. Most jobs have certain amount of work that can be done remotely. Without the virus in place, there should still be some system in place that will promote work-life balance.Staying home has forced many people to learn, re-learn or re-ignite their love for cooking. Learning how to cook is one of the most important skills a person can have. You depend on yourself. It teaches you self-sustainability and you save a lot of money. These days, hundreds of people sharing social media posts of their delicious meals. They are re-discovering the wonders of eating in. Knowing exactly what is in your food and feeling that sense of reward when you completely cook a meal on your own.There’s no doubt that is has been difficult staying home. Many people complaining about feeling bored and aimless. Some might even feel that it’s a breach of their individual right, being made to stay home. However, when it comes to the greater good, one should always be willing to sacrifice a little bit of that freedom. A balance between individual rights and public safety is an ever changing thing. Trade a little bit of your freedom for the greater good of the public.If you live near a spacious outdoor are, like the desert or an empty road lined with trees and you realise it’s the only safe, surface-less space to take a walk in, then you begin to realise the beauty of nature. The point is not to remain indoors, but to avoid being in close contact with others. When you do leave your home, whether it is for a walk in the desert or a run on your street, make sure to wipe down any surfaces you come into contact with, avoid touching your face and frequently wash your hands.

Thank u,

Answered by mamata22


you can ask google


hope it help you

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