The native place of Narayan Meghaji Lokhande was Kanhesar near Saswad in Pune district. He formed the mill workers union known as "Bombay Mill Hands Association in 1890. This workers union is believed to be the beginning of organised movement in India. He was also the chairman of Mumbai branch of Satyashodhak Samaj founded by Mahatma Phule. Due to his efforts, from 10 June 1890, the workers started getting weekly holiday on Sunday. history
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The native place of Narayan Meghaji Lokhande was Kanhesar near Saswad in Pune district. He formed the mill workers union known as Bombay Mill Hands Association in1890. This workers union is believed to be the beginning of organised movement in India. He was also the chairman of Mumbai branch of Satyashodhak Samaj founded by Mahatma Phule. Due to his efforts, from 10 June 1890, the workers started getting weekly holiday on Sunday.
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The native place of Narayan Meghaji Lokhande was Kanhesar near Saswad in Pune district. He formed the mill workers union known as Bombay Mill Hands Association in1890.
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