India Languages, asked by amepwang18, 10 months ago

The newspapers played a significant role in the dissemination of anti British feelings by discuss-
ing, criticising and commenting on government policies and on major social and economic issues.
This helped in promoting all India consuiousness and in giving important political education to the
people of India
( (See Lesson-4)
(1) अखबारों द्वारा जनमत को प्रखर करने में निभाई भूमिका के किन्हीं दो कारणों की सूची बनाइए।
List any two reasons for role of newspapers in shaping public opinion.
भारत में विभिन्न राज्यों से प्रकाशित अखबारों की एक रिपोर्ट तैयार कीजिए।
How does newspapers help to bring about on awaking of Indians.
(ii) भारत में जागृति लाने में अखबारों ने किस प्रकार योगदान दिया।
Make a report of different newspapers published from different states on India.


Answered by abhaymaurya6081


I know that question..

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