The number 23785*6 is completely divisoble by 8.smallest whole digit in place of star canbe
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Divisibility test of 8:
If the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, then the number is divisible by 8
Last 3 digits = 5*6
'0' being the smallest whole number, let us try 506/8 = Rem== 2
hence 504 is divisible by '8'. Now,adding 32 to 504 we get 536 which is divisible by '8'.[to get '6' in units place, 32 is the smallest multiple that is to be added]
Hence '3' should replace the star. So '3' is the smallest number such that 2378536 is divisible by 8.
Hope it helps.
If the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, then the number is divisible by 8
Last 3 digits = 5*6
'0' being the smallest whole number, let us try 506/8 = Rem== 2
hence 504 is divisible by '8'. Now,adding 32 to 504 we get 536 which is divisible by '8'.[to get '6' in units place, 32 is the smallest multiple that is to be added]
Hence '3' should replace the star. So '3' is the smallest number such that 2378536 is divisible by 8.
Hope it helps.
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