The number 395436 is Given. Interchange the digit at lakhs place and thousands Place find the sum of original number and new number
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nterchange the digit at lakhs place and thousands Place find the sum of original number and new number.
The original No.= 395436The new No. =593436Sum of Both No.'s = 593436+395436 =988872................ANSHope it helps....
Step-by-step explanation:
et the unit place digit be x and tens place digit be y ... divide the above equation by 11 we get ... given that the new number is 4 more than 5 time the sum of its digits in the first number i.e.Assign
Find the sum of the smallest 4 digit number and the largest 6 digit number. 6. Write the following numerals in Indian place value chart : a) 246813579 ... b) Seventy-nine lakh and eight. 9.
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9,88,872 answer intercharge
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